Cheng Wang

Research Projects


A delta-random forest based scoring function for protein-ligand binding affinity prediction.

Website     Code     Paper


A pocket detection software based on Voronoi tessellation and clustering.

Website     Paper

Dynamic Topographical Mapping

An extensiton of AlphaSpace to detect dynamic pocket from molecular dynamics simulations.

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Other Projects

Projects of data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning from courses are listed below.

Predict Next Word

A predict next word app with N-grams model and back-off algorithm using English twitters, news and blogs data as training set, and deployed in shiny app.

N-gram Language Model R

Random Forest Example

A simple shiny app to demonstrate random forest algorithm on a highly linear data set.

Random Forest

Flight Delay Visulization

Flight delay data visulization with D3.js and dimple.js.

Data Visualization D3 dimple.js

Data Analysis of Red Wine Dataset

Red wine dataset exploration with R and ggplot2.

Data Visualization Data Exploration ggplot2

Sign Language Recognition System

A word recognizer for American Sign Language using hidden Markov models with languange model (N-gram).

N-gram HMM python